Thursday, 17 January 2013

Hitting the!

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Gold rings: 4 piece H&M 
Aztec rings: 4 piece Miso(Republic)
Hand chain ring: Topshop
Cross cuff: Crafted(Republic)
Black stone cuff: Miso(Republic)
Camouflage jacket(detachable fur collar): Topshop 
All currently available on sale

So I got a bit lazy and possibly crazy, this year and did most of my shopping via the internet, which I never do! Some purchases turned out to be a resounding success whilst others, not so much! Boohoo proved to be a disappointment for me, as the appearance of much of their clothing on-line, didn't match what came through the post! Although I did manage to find a winner on there, which I shall share with you, on my outfit of the day post, very soon! Have you guys had the same experience? Which sites would you recommend?
If I do happen to discover a gem on my bargain hunting moments, I shall be sure to inform you guys of it! 

Ciao for now,



  1. Love everything esp that hand chain ring! To die for.

    1. Haven't taken it off since the day I bought it! Slightly in love

  2. Lovely post, I seen it in +Indulge Fashion Network

  3. Wow great post!
    I can't wait to have my own credit card ;D
    My fashion blog called All things bright and Fashionable
    Katherine xoxo

  4. complimenti per il blog!!! follow me and i'll follow you back!
